YP Puppy Rescue
Charity Licence - CCP 2425


    ROYAL CANIN® is a global leader in pet health nutrition. ROYAL CANIN® has been supporting YP Puppy Rescue by donating super premium food since 2016.

    A Rich History

    Founded by a veterinarian in 1967, ROYAL CANIN® has built a solid foundation based on partnerships with pet nutritionists, veterinarians, breeders, and other pet specialists.

    ROYAL CANIN® is at the leading edge of nutritional progress has concentrated all efforts on providing the most precise nutritional answers, adapted to the specific needs of dogs and cats.

    Cat and Dog First

    ROYAL CANIN®’s philosophy is total commitment to improving the lives of dogs and cats, placing them at the central point of the innovation process. Only the real needs of dogs and cats drive our research and development efforts. This unique approach guarantees the precision of their diets and their precise adaptation to the needs of the pet. 

        Royal Canin Web Site

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